Picture this: three fabulous UNC-Chapel Hill seniors, fresh from their summer working at Walt Disney World, head out of Chapel Hill in the middle of a snow storm.
Dara behind the wheel.
Me talking non-stop.
Holly trying to get a word in edgewise.
Windshield wipers on full (until one of them flew off!)
REM's "Stand" blaring from the cassette player.
Not a cell phone, laptop, GPS, CD or DVD player in sight - how did we survive??
Destination? Nashville, TN.
Why? To meet up with the rest of the gang heading down from Indiana for our first post-Disney reunion.
It was a weekend to remember.
Let me 'splain. No, there is too much, let me sum up (Name that movie):
- Wandering around the beautiful Opryland Hotel
- Settling in for quite a spell at the Opryland's Jack Daniel's Restaurant and Bar
- Terrorizing students trying to study at the Vanderbilt University library
- Staging our own hotel room parties - sans the rock star destruction
(Left to right: Monte, Me, Dara,
Karen Marie, Scott, Holly, Laura, Suzy)
Karen Marie, Scott, Holly, Laura, Suzy)
(Left to right:Elizabeth, Monte,
Dara, Suzy, Scott, Laura)
Dara, Suzy, Scott, Laura)
- Taking over the Vanderbilt Holiday Inn "Commodore" lounge
- Taking over the Lounge band's instruments while they were on a break and singing Jimmy Buffett - and sounding pretty darn good, if we did say so ourselves
- Getting scolded by the hotel band for touching their instruments
- Stumbling, er, I am mean wandering back to our rooms to chat and laugh the rest of the night away
- Diving into the all you can eat breakfast bar at Shoneys
Over the years we have gathered in Kernersville, North Carolina, Crawfordsville, Indiana at the DAR house, a couple of times on houseboats in Lake Cumberland, Kentucky, a cabin in Maggie Valley, NC and at weddings here and there all over the place.
Of course, once we all started having munchkins, finding the time (or the energy or the money or people willing to keep our kids) has been tough and we have not gathered in many, many years.
Y'all, it's long over due.
I am thinking Nashville.