Last Friday night she performed in the Cary Ballet Conservatory's yearly recital. Given them name of the dance school, one would expect quite a production and we were not disappointed. It was looooooooooong! Over 2 and a half hours, with a 15 minute intermission.
Amazingly, Will sat on my lap for over an hour waiting to see his sissy perform - and it only took all 5 of the Dum-Dum lollipops that I had in my backpack! When she appeared on stage, you can hear him shout (in the video) "go sissy go, go sissy go!" He is such a good little brother!
Eliza Grace and the rest of the "camels" in her Broadway Kids tap/jazz class did an exceptional job. The 5 & 6 year olds were the youngest to perform in the big production and it was a lot of fun but stressful for them.
I was a little concerned at the dress rehearsal, 5 days prior, because all the little girls looked fairly shell-shocked up there on the big stage with all the lights and the people and the set and the noise. Eliza Grace told me afterward that she was not nervous but, "mommy, I forgot all the steps I was supposed to do." But, as I well know, a bad dress rehearsal is supposed to mean a great opening night, and it was !
Here are a few more pictures of before and after the performance. I hope to be able to post a snippet of video once I figure out how to use the video capture software.
Waiting her turn to go back stage. Some days she seems so big but pictures like this remind me that she is still such a little girl!
After the performance, with her flowers and new silver charm (on her wrist) to commemorate the "Treasures of the Pyramid"
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