Sunday, July 19, 2015

Eliza Grace the Brave - Part 2

Pre-op chilling.

Post-op resting.
Visit from a furry friend was such comfort. But she couldn't stay awake long.

Finally some real food!

After a pseudo-restful night, time to move from
the PICU to a regular pediatric room.
Shw stood right up and starting walking down the PICU hallway! 
All the nurses were very impressed!
They had to slow her down :)
But the walk to her new room wiped her out,
so it was back to sleep shortly there after!
 Two days post-op and back in real clothes.
This amazing girl is already ready to head home!
Lots of rest and snuggles to help her heal over the next two weeks.
Set up with all the comforts she needs!

Doing some PT on the couch, stretching her arms and back to keep from getting stiff and losing muscle tone.

Over the next two weeks she continued to heal with only a few minor issues.  She learned that opiods for pain have some nasty consequences (sleep issues, restless leg, emotional overload, constipation) so we stopped those pretty quickly and managed her pain with Motrin instead.

It is amazing to watch the bravery and strength this girl of ours has.  "And though she be but little, she is fierce!"

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